Daly Coat of Arms

The Daly News Front Page

This web site is devoted mostly to displaying the results of my genealogical research. Please go to my All in the Family page and check through the list of all my family names. Maybe you will find yours listed. I would appreciate hearing of any corrections or additions to my data.

During the course of gathering my family history information I have come across some interesting stories that I believe other people might enjoy.

One of my ancestors had the unique experience of being a "Woman Mason".

Another one was the "owner" of a Bear Man.

One of my ancestors by marriage was Agreen Crabtree who was a Privateer and I found a short article that was written about him.

I have been fortunate in obtaining copies of letters and notes written by some relatives and perhaps you will find them as interesting to read as I did.

One of my relatives owned the Brig Dealy that was used to carry immigrants from Ireland to Canada and an English relative, Jonathan May, was kind enough to give me a write up about it.

George T. Dealy kept a Memo Book that has many mentions of the Daly Family ancestors. Take a look at it and see if you agree with my conclusions.

Lt William Justin Dealy was a very famous relative of mine and I have decided to devote a section of this web site to his exploits.

What would a web page be without pictures? Check this out and see if you can recognize anyone.

I have been successful in getting a copy of the will of James Daly. I transcribed it to the best of my ability.

I spent a considerable amount of time putting together a summary of my DALY research in an attempt to link my ancestors with the DALY family of Galway. I would appreciate any comments and/or suggestions that you might have on this report.

The Daly News Page Two

The Family Histories of William Cambridge, William Christy, Jermiah Shea, Catherine McGinley, Dermot Daly, William Taylor, Thomas George Frazier and Lucas Spieker can be found on page two.

The Daly News Page Three

Page three contains all the information I have of my Sproul and Belding relations.

The Daly News Page Four

The Crabtree Family of (mostly) Maine occupies the entire page 4 of The Daly News.

The Daly News Page Five

The DALY Y-DNA Surname project is the focus of page 5 of The Daly News

The Daly News Page Six

I grew up in Hudson, NH and some pictures I took in the 1940's are displayed on page 6.

The Daly News Page Seven

I like to play duplicate bridge and page 7 has some bridge information.

The Daly News Page Eight

Page Eight will contain files for downloading


My kid brother, Allen Frederick Crabtree III, has a used book business on the web and I am sure he would like to have you visit him. Allen has also written many excellent articles that he has posted on his web site. I especially recommend the one he wrote upon the death of his dog Buffalo.

Compiled by Emery C. Daly a.k.a. God